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Buy EFT Roubles



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Juego EFT Roubles
Cantidad 1 M
Total $

Rubles are the default currency of the game, and players start with ₽500,000. As they explore the world and complete quests, they can loot rubles from the world and other players, and even receive ruble rewards from quest givers.

What is EFT Roubles?

EFT Roubles are the default currency in Escape From Tarkov. Each player has 500,000 Roubles after entering the game, but after a period of spending and replenishment, these EFT RUB will be exhausted soon.

How to farm Escape From Tarkov Roubles?

  • Loot roubles from the world and other players
  • Complete missions and get roubles rewards

Why choose to buy Escape From Tarkov Money?

NWGold guarantees 100% transaction security, your accounts would be no risk when you buy Escape From Tarkov Moneyn at All the information and cookies you fill in on this site will not be leaked, please rest assured.

We also check market prices every day to give you the best deals. With lots of discounts, you can buy the cheapest Escape From Tarkov PC Roubles in bulk for very little money.

If you encounter any problems during buying EFT PC Money, our 24/7 live customer service who has a unique and practical understanding of Escape From Tarkov can answer any questions and orders for you at any time.

Last but not least, over 90% of orders are successfully processed within 15 minutes.

In summary, is the best Escape From Tarkov Money trading marketplace. We are always waiting for you!

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