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Buy Black Ops 6 Prestige boosting service and unlock unique prestige level rewards, base weapons, killstreaks, and field upgrades. Avoid unnecessary farming and achieve the desired rewards without farming for hours and days just to reset the rank and do it again. Choose a comfortable game experience over farming with the BO6 Prestige carry service.

What you will get
  • Prestige Level Rewards;
  • Weapons, Killstreaks, and Field Upgrades unlocked;
  • Chance to complete daily and weekly challenges;
  • Many games with high K/D ratio;
  • Battle Pass progress.

The following rewards are unlocked upon reaching certain levels:

Name Level needed
TBA Prestige 1
TBA Prestige 2
TBA Prestige 3
TBA Prestige 4
TBA Prestige 5
TBA Prestige 6
TBA Prestige 7
TBA Prestige 8
TBA Prestige 9
TBA Prestige 10
Additional options
  • All weapons max level — we will level up your guns and unlock all available attachments;
  • Select preferred options and place an order for our Black Ops 6 Prestige carry service;
  • We form a priority list based on the execution speed and time when the order was placed;
  • We will contact you in the live chat or via email. Feel free to ask any questions you may have;
  • Our professional booster will pilot your character;
  • The booster will win as many games as necessary to acquire the desired rewards;
  • Enjoy your prestige rewards! And don’t forget to rate our BO6 prestige boosting services on Trustpilot.
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 purchased or Game Pass active on the account.

Sélectionnez serveur:







Additional options

All weapons max level

Your Prestige Level
Desired Prestige Level


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