Sélectionnez serveur:
Season 7 - Softcore
Eternal - Softcore
Choisir une catégorie:
Kill Summon Boss
Character Boosting
Infernal Hordes Compass
Nahantu Nightmare Dungeon
The Pit Of The Artificer
Kurast Undercity
Dark Citadel
Astuce : Vous pouvez entrer n'importe quel mot-clé à rechercher et cliquer sur '+' pour ajouter plusieurs recherches par mot-clé.
Greater affixes explanation:
When an item drops, 1 to 4 of its Affixes has the chance to be augmented significantly. The Affix upgraded to a Greater Affix will have a 1.5x multiplier on its max roll, making Greater Affixes the strongest in the game
Randomly upgrade 1 affixes to greater affixes
Randomly upgrade 2 affixes to greater affixes
Randomly upgrade 3 affixes to greater affixes
All 4 affixes to greater affixes
One Unique item has 4 Regular Affixes and 1 Unique Affix. This category refers specifically to Unique Affix.
De A à Z
De Z à A
Prix le plus bas
Le prix le plus élevé
We Provide Key And Carry You Run
Pit Of Artificers (Tier 130) x5
- + -
Pit Of Artificers (Tier 120) x5
- + -
Pit Of Artificers (Tier 110) x5
- + -
Pit Of Artificers (Tier 100) x5
- + -
Pit Of Artificers (Tier 65) x5
- + -
Summon Boss (Lord Zir)-Torment IV
- +Torment IVTorment IV
Torment III
Torment II
Torment I
Summon Boss (Duriel)-Torment IV
- +Torment IVTorment IV
Torment III
Torment II
Torment I
Summon Boss (Andariel)-Torment IV
- +Torment IVTorment IV
Torment III
Torment II
Torment I
Summon Boss (Varshan)-Torment IV
- +Torment IVTorment IV
Torment III
Torment II
Torment I
Summon Boss (The Beast in The Ice)-Torment IV
- +Torment IVTorment IV
Torment III
Torment II
Torment I
Summon Boss (Grigoire)-Torment IV
- +Torment IVTorment IV
Torment III
Torment II
Torment I
Boss Bundles : Lilith + All BOSSES-Torment IV
- +Torment IVTorment IV
Torment III
Torment II
Torment I
Boss Bundles : All BOSSES-Torment IV
- +Torment IVTorment IV
Torment III
Torment II
Torment I
Echo of Lilith Boost
- + -
Dark Citadel-Torment IV
- +Torment IVTorment IV
Infernal Hordes Boost-Torment IV
- +Torment IVTorment IV
Torment III
Torment II
Torment I
Nightmare Dungeons Boost-Torment IV
- +Torment IVTorment IV
Torment III
Torment II
Torment I
World T4-(Wave Cap 10) Compass
- + -
World T4-(Wave Cap 8) Compass
- + -
World T4-(Wave Cap 6) Compass
- +