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Buy FFXIV Dawntrail Main Scenario Boost and dive into the storyline of the latest addition with ease.

Main Scenario Quests can be lengthy and sometimes tedious, so we understand if you'd rather skip them. Our service ensures the completion of all story quests, allowing you to unlock new game content, including Savage Raids, Extreme Trials, Deep Dungeons, and more. Additionally, we'll unlock flight in new zones, enhancing your exploration experience.

What you will get
  • Dawntrail Main Scenario Quests completion;
  • Access to endgame activities: Savage Raids, Extreme Trials, Deep Dungeons;
  • Keep all resources and gils during the boost.
Additional Options
  • Unlock Dawntrail Flying Attunement — unlock flying ability in all new expansion areas;
  • Unlock All Lvl 100 Dungeons — the best option for emerging into new expansion;
  • Any job needs to be at least 90 lvl;
  • Endwalker MSQ is completed;
  • PC license – FFXIV Online Complete Edition.
  • We will contact you via our live chat or by sending an email;
  • All the details will be discussed beforehand and the start time will be set according to your schedule;
  • We’ll find you an experienced booster that fits your schedule the best;
  • For your convenience, we will create a Discord chat where you can communicate with your player and track order progress;
  • At the appointed time, our professional player will take your character and drive it as you've ordered;
  • We'll inform you of the service completion;
  • Enjoy the results! And don’t forget to rate our services on Trustpilot.

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Unlock Dawntrail Flying Attunement


Unlock All Lvl 100 Dungeons



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