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Class Gold-Making Guide: Hunter

Source: NWGOLD

Oct 10, 2019

Generally speaking, the return of Classic did not bring too many new things, and it seems more like a simplified version, even the original races and classes have also not changed. Among those nine classes of Classic, they all have unique skills and attributes, especially for gold-making.

Gold, the most commonly in-game used currency, which can be used to do nearly everything, and you can always play the game easily with enough "money".

Someone asks, I often get Gold through completing quests, but why do I always need them? This is exactly the biggest difference of Classic, the production of gold is harder, especially when leveling up, you need to buy equipment and mounts with a large amount of gold. Instead, if you are always making gold through grinding, you would run very slowly. It's easy to figure out that high-level mounts will make the game easier. This is why quite a few players are searching for gold all the time.

For newcomers, we could help you build your own settlement of dreams, all right, here is a guide for gold making for hunters.

Especially at the beginning of Classic, the things you have to buy are very expensive, choose some profitable professional for hunters, gathering is definitely the best one, you can gather up the resource and craft items without any cost. Or Skinning, it is the one that hunters are best at, they can always get the work done quickly and make profits.

Then, you'd better make gold as soon as you can, solo farming is also a good way to make money, because you don't need to share the gold you earn with other players, especially when you kill the enemies in dungeons and get the loot.

Take Maraudon for example, that's a high-level dungeon, where there are a lot of powerful enemies. Once you defeat them, you are able to get quite a few valuable loots, leave all of them or sell part of them to others in exchange for Classic Gold.

When making gold, saving is also a trick on some unneeded costing. For example, you don't have to spend Gold to buy food or water every time when you have a Mage friend, who can help you make the items for free, or you can search for other players in the public section of the game, if there is someone to sell what you need, purchasing them directly from them will be much cheaper than buying from vendors. Those small tricks could help you save a small amount of gold, but gathering more and more will bring you huge wealth.

Moreover, excessive consumption will make you carry huge bills, so never buy something you don't need at all, even if the sellers are showing off to you. Or they will not have any use for your build except for occupying your stock.

NWGOLD is a store to sell gold instead of farming day to day, its professional teams will raise all Gold you need without waiting too long.

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