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Class Gold-Making Guide: Priest

Source: NWGOLD

Oct 19, 2019

If you once used an undead priest in Classic, you might have difficulties in many aspects, such as WOW Classic gold making. This is just our topic today, the guide of making Gold for Priest, one of WOW Classic classes.

In general, Classic is actually a slow-moving game, it requires players to complete the quests one by one to get rewards, and Priest is usually considered to be related to healing. So it does not bring huge direct damage to enemies, but it also brings great help to the characters. In short, making a class efficient is crucial when making gold in the game.

Similar to other classes, you first need to choose profitable races for Priest, and the available ones are Dwarf, Human, and Night Elf, which could maximize the Priest's strengths and perform better in PVP or PVE.

Dwarves are best to use in the dungeons and raids with max, who can be unlocked the max value to cause fear to many monsters.

Human can work well alongside the healing spells, which are just like a shield to return mana burn and shadow damage when attacking enemies.

Night Elves are the defensive cooldown with Starshards, the channeling damage and Elune's Grace.

Besides, some crafting professions can help Priest make much gold, this is often seen in Classic, such as Tailoring, Enchanting, Alchemy, Engineering as well as cooking. All the items you craft can be used for yourselves, or you can sell them to others in exchange for a few profits. But don't forget to gather up and farm materials for crafting, otherwise you can't do anything without them.

No matter which classes you choose, everyone must gather up the materials for crafting, while the difference you can make it shorter than others by using some tips. Here are some optional professions for Priest in order to obtain sources.

Skinning: it is such an easy one that the beginners can get it through looting corpses from mobs you killed.

Mining: Paris well with Engineering, and keep going after mining nodes.

Herbalism: Paris well with Alchemy, and keep going after herb nodes.

Fishing: Paris well with Cooking. You can earn much gold through it, but you have to spend much time on it.

All in all, you can't get too much Gold if you don't farm. Or you can't or want to do so all day and night, buy now to ease your stress, perhaps this is a once and for all method.

NWGOLD can provide you with classic gold at any time, but this is not a long-term solution. If you want to play WOW Classic for a long time, don't forget to follow its rules, never spend too much real money on it, otherwise you will lose more than you get.

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